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Ashley B. Scott

As a carbonate sedimentologist, I implement a high-resolution systematic approach to understand diagenetic changes in Paleozoic carbonates. Before joining the CPCL as a Ph.D. student, I earned a MS in geology (Midwestern State University, Spring 2020) working alongside Dr. Jesse R. Carlucci where I completed a petrographic examination of high-frequency cyclicity in the Bromide Formation. As both an undergraduate and graduate student, I have taught many geology labs and aided numerous field excursions. My broader research interests include carbonate diagenesis, dolomite mineralogy, hydrothermal dolomitization, petroleum systems, invertebrate paleontology, and ichnology.


My research focuses on applying a systematic approach to understand diagenetic changes in Paleozoic carbonates by combining high-resolution datasets including petrography, ICP-MS, XRD, SEM-EDS, stable isotopes, and clumped isotopes. Currently, I am conducting a case study on the Upper Ordovician (Richmondian Series) Saluda Formation of the Cincinnati Arch Region. Previous investigations of the Saluda Formation have focused on the sedimentology and stratigraphy of this interval, however, many questions about how the unit was diagenetically altered remain. My specific goal for this project is to use observed mineralogical and geochemical trends identified in vertical and lateral transects within the Saluda Formation to understand the fluid, timing, and mechanism of dolomitization.


I am also working on a project focused on the Permian Hueco Limestone from Marble Canyon, Texas. The dolomitized facies of the Hueco Limestone were intruded by a Tertiary syenite and gabbro igneous stock. Because of this, Marble Canyon acts as a natural laboratory for examining the relationship between mineralogical trends and high-temperature dolomitization.


In addition, I am involved in collaborative research focused on understanding hydrothermal dolomitization in the Michigan Basin.

GSA North-Central Meeting (2022)



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1903 W Michigan Ave, Kalamazoo MI 49008-5241 USA


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Website Development & Management by Ariel S. Martin

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